Weihnachtskrippe mit Schattenfiguren , lebensgrofl auf Hügel
Werner Bachmeier / epd-bild
Weihnachten auf Englisch erklärt
Phil Tanis from the World Communion of Reformed Churches explains why - and how - Christians celebrate christmas
Foto: Privat

Was feiern christen an Weihnachten: Philip Tanis erklärt

My name is Phil Tanis. I’m the Executive Secretary for Communications for the World Communion of Reformed Churches and I am from the United States.

Christmas really is the biggest birthday party of the year because it’s for baby Jesus who we as Christians believe is the virgin child of Mary born of god who came to save us from all our sins and it is something to celebrate as he enters the world as just a little a child. here is god as a baby and it’s an amazing thing.

We celebrate it with a lot of food and presents and lights and music and being together with family.

I’ve got two kids and it’s just so much fun to come down to the Weihnachtsmarkt because they are so excited because they know Christmas is coming and part of Christmas is them getting gifts and presents and here we get a taste of it before that with good food and rides and gifts and lights and music. So it’s just an extended celebration as we anticipate Christmas coming.

Santa Clause comes Christmas Eve, the 24th that night. So on Christmas Day, Christmas Morning, the stockings are full and there are gifts and we spend the day playing with new toys being with family and eating good food and just enjoying each other’s company.

[Edited: As Mister Tanis is from the United States, his family celebrates Christmas mainly on the 25th of December. In Germany, the whole family celebrates on Heiligabend which is the 24th. That's the day presents are exchanged.]

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